南京发电机租赁南京发电机租赁 公司现有业务、技术和管理三个团队:业务团队都是本科以上学历、有着多年电子商务精英。借助公司的互联网业务平台,2015年人均完成业务**过200万元,公司在业务平台的费用累计投入过百万元。技术团队是一批有着20多年专业技术和责任心的技师组成,他们能确保发电机保养维修后能运行15000小时无故障。管理团队由人力管理师、注册会计师等组成,为技术、业务提供有力**。 The company's existing business, technology and management three teams: business teams are bachelor's degree or above, with many years of e-commerce elite. With the help of the company's Internet business platform, in 2015, the per capita business completed more than 2 million yuan, and the company has invested millions of yuan in the total cost of the business platform. The technical team is composed of a group of technicians with more than 20 years'professional skills and sense of responsibility. They can ensure that the generator can run for 15,000 hours after maintenance and repair. The management team is composed of human resource managers and certified public accountants, which provides strong guarantee for technology and business. 公司业务辐射全国各省市、地区。为上海港、沪宁高速、徐连高速、大广高速、京广高速、沿海高速、连云港风力电站、连云港港、青岛胶州湾跨海大桥、烟台海阳核电站等项目的建设提供了电力服务。 南京发电机租赁南京发电机租赁南京发电机租赁南京发电机租赁南京发电机租赁南京发电机租赁